The sit to stand revolution is in full swing. Everyday workers are converting their operating habits with ergonomically correct desks, seating solutions, and the adjustable products needed to stay active throughout task filled days. Today on the blog, we'll highlight budget friendly options that will help you join the movement.

First up is the 89764 model
Lapmatic workstation from MooreCo. This ergonomic desk on wheels boasts a height adjustable design that makes it easy to transition between sitting and standing. At just $265.99, this user friendly station is a great buy that will help you stay active while reducing fatigue. The best part is, the Lapmatic doesn't take up a ton of space and can be taken from room to room as needed.

With the OFM 5100 you can convert your existing desk into a
versatile sit to stand workstation that's ready, willing, and able to adapt on the fly. This cost effective desk riser even includes a spacious keyboard platform that makes it easy to compute at correct and healthy angles. Enjoy the 5100 riser in 2019 for just $299.99.

Moving right along, allow us to introduce the
Eastwinds SOHO desk from Mayline. Simple, practical, and cost effective, this computer desk is an absolute winner. The SOHO boasts operational shelves that can be raised or lowered to infinite locations between 14" to 48". No tools are required to make your necessary changes. This popular desk is available for $345.99.

With the popularity of height adjustable furniture, active stools we're a natural add-on. Take one look at the
Vivo perch stool from OFM and you'll quickly see what we mean. This adjustable seating solution provides additional support while working at standing height surfaces without eliminating the ability to stay active. The Vivo is a must consider option for any worker on the go at just $199.00.

Up next is another hot sit to stand product from MooreCo. A leader in the field, MooreCo's height adjustable flipper tables are a must consider for collaborative work areas like the training room. The ability to work sitting or standing throughout team strategizing sessions will keep workers more engaged. This
nesting table with a height adjustable top is available now for $439.99.

Last but not least is the Balance 3
sit to stand keyboard tray from Symmetry Office. At the everyday low price of just $275.99, the Balance 3 is one of the best and most versatile computing solutions on the market. This unit features a spacious platform with mouse bad and a heavy duty mechanism that can be raised up to 8.25" above its track.