The team at Symmetry Office is ready to revolutionize your work day. Their high tech ergonomic products promote improved functionality, comfort, and efficiency. Today on Office Upgrades we'll highlight 5 of the coolest Symmetry Office computer accessories available in 2016. Prepare to be impressed!

First up, the ALLURE-2-SS
sit to stand dual screen monitor arm with 16" mounting pole. This product provides so many ergonomic benefits it's hard to know where to begin. First and foremost, you'll be rewarded with additional operating space the minute it's installed. With 2 operating screens you'll improving the rate at which you compute in no time. The ability to switch from sitting to standing positions will help you avoid extended operating sessions in your office chair that lead to cramping, fatigue, and stress. Needless to say, this product is really a must have!

A stylish desk acts as nothing more than a giant paper weight without the ergonomic add-ons needed to help you operate at peak performance levels. That's where Symmetry Office comes in. Their
retractable keyboard trays like the BALANCE-3-TSS are revolutionizing the way we work. This must have office upgrade will have you computing at healthy angles in no time while simultaneously improving the amount of usable desk space present at your workstation. In the long run, what good is a sit to stand ergonomic monitor arm without a sit to stand keyboard tray to match?
Tired of venturing underneath your desk to hunt down the AC and USB outlets needed to properly utilize your devices throughout the work day? Upgrade your office with
ergonomic products from Symmetry Office like the Juice module. This attachable unit puts the power at your fingertips. The Juice boasts 2 USB and 2 AC inputs that come in handy in conference room, training room,
reception, and private office settings.

The Symmetry Office Align
laptop cart is a handy tool for any fast pace work environment. Typically used in dentist and physician offices, the Align cart will help you work well on the move. This versatile workstation on wheels is one of those add-ons you'll be left wondering how you ever lived without. Those who give the Align cart a try, typically swear by them and their benefits. Check one out. You'll be glad you did!

The difference is in the details. This point of emphasis is especially true in the workplace. The right combination of products will make a significant impact on your work day. Simple to use and often forgotten products like the footrest provide exceptional benefits. The FR-1
adjustable foot rest from Symmetry Office can be set to 4 different angles to provide a customized operating experience. The foot rest is covered by an anti fatigue rubber mat. Honestly, we're not sure if it works but it can't hurt. At just $62.99, the FR-1 is a smart ergonomic investment that requires little funds to take advantage of.