It's also important to stay well organized. If you're constantly looking around for note pads, pens, and important files, you need to give your workspace a throughout cleaning. Start by going through your file cabinet drawers and purging out any old documents you no longer need to store. Once complete, move on to your desk drawers and work surface. You'll want to keep your most regularly used items in locations that are easy to access. Organizing may take you a little while, but once complete you'll be on the path to success. We recommend giving your workspace a good cleaning and organizing session at least once per week.

In the long run, even the best office chair is only as good as it's owner. If you want to survive the modern work day, you need to take the time to master your chair and its features.
Helpful Office Chair Advice:
- Keep your back in contact with the chair at all times when working. Each time you lean away from your chair, you're missing out on essential spine support.
- Keep your feet flat on the ground and facing forward. Avoid using the base of your office chair as a perch. Doing so can lead to restricted blood flow that causes cramping.
- Set your office chair arms to a height that allows your to keep your forearms flat across them without hunching.
- Stand up from your office chair at least once per hour to stretch. Even the best posture habits break down when you work for hours on end without standing up.
There are a few other key ergonomic office tools you can use to help you conquer the modern work day. While you don't need to rush out and purchase every ergo gadget on the market, these handy items will definitely assist you in your daily routine.
Helpful Ergonomic Tools:
- A monitor arm will help you improve the rate at which your compute. You'll also have the ability to raise your screens to eye level to reduce visual strain.
- An articulating keyboard tray will help you compute at healthy angles while simultaneously increasing usable desk space.
- A height adjustable desktop riser will help you transition between sit-down and stand-up operating positions with ease. They promote continuous movement in the workplace, reduce fatigue, and encourage good blood flow.
Once you've mastered your ergonomic tools, you'll be ready for just about anything the modern work day can throw at you. That being said, it's still very important to get away from your workstation every once in awhile. As you sit for long periods of time, even the best habits tend to suffer. To fight back, take a 10 minute break once every hour. Leave your desk to go get a glass of water and hydrate to stay ahead of the fatigue that's lurking around every corner. Stretch out those muscles to get the blood flowing! You'll return to your desk refreshed and ready.

In truth, surviving the modern work day is all about stress management and strategic planning. If you can find ways to eliminate stress, you'll be on the road to success and happiness. Taking short breaks, eating healthy, hydrating, and working with ergonomic tools will all help you conquer even the most task filled days.